Clinic Locations in Southern California:

   Email:  Info@RehabRcu.Com

   T(626)333-3172      F(626)333-3163 

     RehabRcu Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy/ Acupuncture Clinics:

     +City of Industry – 16025 E. Gale Ave. Suite B7, City of Industry, CA 91745 / phone: 626-333-3172 / fax: -626-333-3163 / email:

     +Reseda – 17750 Sherman Way, Suite 200, Reseda, CA 91335 / phone: 1-818-341-3791 / fax: 1-818-341-3794 / email:  New Clinic Address Effective April 2023

     +Pomona  675 North Park Ave., Pomona, CA 91768 (HMMI Bldg)/ phone: 909-868-1160 / fax: (909) 620-0802 / email:

     +Los Angeles (2542 W. 3rd Street Suit C, Los Angeles) Corner W. 3rd St & S. Coronado St / phone: 213-277-1042 / fax: 213-277-1729 / email:      

     +Huntington Park (Absolute Rehab)- 2616 Clarendon Ave, Suite B, Huntington Park, CA 90255 / (Absolute Rehab) / phone: 323-583-2635 / fax:323-585-2635 / Rehab)

     +Anaheim (Alliance Physical Therapy)- 401 Lincoln Ave, Suite 100, Anaheim, CA 92805 (Alliance)/ phone: 714-581-5971 /fax: 714-581-5972 / email:  (Alliance)

 +Downey – 7860 Imperial Hwy. suite B, C, D. Downey. Ca. 9024201 / phone: (562)869-8525   FAX : (562) 869-7786  / email:

Committed to every patient’s well-being and recovery, we insist in the best people, equipment, and facilities to provide excellence at every level [/quote]

RehabRCU is a rehabilitation clinic offering a full range of physical therapy services designed to help achieve your recovery goals, with locations in (Orange County, CA) Anaheim; and (Los Angeles County, CA), Huntington Park, Reseda & City of Industry. Through examination of symptoms using the latest technology and personalized treatment, procedures and modalities, we are committed to helping patients resume an active and healthy lifestyle.  Our physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, occupational therapists and acupuncturists are all licensed in the state of California and credentialed with all the major insurance companies.

Appointment Request

Ask a Question

What can I do to stay healthy?

Regular check-up with your health professional, eating the right food and active lifestyle.

Could you suggest a good diet?

Fruits and vegetables any time of the day, no second plate in every meal, and hot drinks like tea after meals and snacks.

What should I do if am injured?

Call 911 if injury is life threatening or pain is intolerable, For minor injuries (contusion, sprain, strain), apply cold compress or soak in cold water with epsom salt, immobilize the injured body part and check with your doctor.


Pain Management
Pain reduction by advanced modalities and procedures to increase blood circulation and decrease edema and muscle spasms

Improve posture and balance by biomechanical exercises

Rehabilitation by exercises, gait training, adaptive activities of daily living and orthotics/ prosthetics training.

Work related injury
Back to work programs such as Work hardening/conditoning and Functional Capacity Evaluation

Treats health conditions with Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques. It relieves symptoms and activates the body’s natural self-healing abilities